We Need You!

 "We need you!"

Have you ever wondered how you can make a difference?  How you can make an impact and help those that are hurting?  I know I have.  I have wondered, "God, how can you use me?  What can I do when there is so much going on?  What can I do or say that will help this situation?"  I'm reminded of 2 Corinthians 3:4-5 which says "Such is the confidence that we have through Christ toward God.  Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God."  We all have the opportunity to work together through Christ to make a difference and show Christ's love to people that are hurting.  I encourage you to pray about the ways that God may be able to use you to support the ministry.

Crisis Response has been responding in Lake Charles, Louisiana after Hurricanes Laura and Delta.  We are starting a long term response there in January and are looking forward to partnering with Lake Charles Bible Church to reach the community impacted by the storms.  There is some bitter sweet news from Friendswood.  After much prayer and consideration, the Friendswood site will be closing at the end of this year.  Typically our responses last 2-4 years and over the last six months or so, God has been showing us that things are naturally coming to a close here in Friendswood.  We have seen God move mightily in the community and we are so blessed to see people that we have helped after Harvey come out and help in Lake Charles.  This means some of our staff in Friendswood will be transitioning over to Lake Charles in January.


The plan is for me to move to Lake Charles and help with the new response there.  However, I need to be supported on a monthly basis in order to do that sustainably.  I've seen God provide, and I know He is faithful to continue to do so. 

I need just $1500 more each month to be funded.  To put that into perspective, that means that if half the people that are on my newsletter list committed to $20 a month, I'd be fully supported! 

I'm praying that God would work mightily and provide these monthly supporters so that I can continue to work on the mission field at the new site in Lake Charles.  

Here are some of the ways I need you!

-We need your prayers.  Prayer is so very crucial and we need people committed to praying for the ministry.

-We need your volunteer teams!  Consider putting together a team of 10 or less to come down and serve at one of our sites this year.  Come see first hand what God is doing in the wake of a crisis.

-I need your financial support.  As I mentioned above, I can't continue to stay on the field full time unless I raise my monthly commitments.  Please pray about considering to support me and the ministry on a monthly basis.  My financial information is listed below.

Financial Information
Right now my monthly budget is about 30% covered in monthly commitments.  This means that the committed amount that comes in each month covers only 30% of my budget.  I'm praying that God would provide more monthly minsitry partners so that I can continue to serve on the mission field.  Please join me in praying for these needs to be met.  This is also a great opportunity for your small group, Bible study, youth groups, etc. to coordinate together to partner with the ministry financially and in prayer.  If you feel the Lord leading you to help support me financially in the ministry and have any questions, I'd be happy to share more information with you.

To support me financially please follow the link below and designate
"Account 2840- Wierzbicki". 

If it is a monthly gift, please note that in the comments so I can budget accordingly.

Give Here

Checks can be made payable to "EFCA" and mailed to:
Evangelical Free Church of America
901 E 78th St 
Minneapolis, MN 55420-1300
Memo Line: Account #2840- Wierzbicki
I do plan on being home in New Jersey for a few weeks in December.  My flight comes in on 12/11.  I would love to meet up with people to catch up and share what God has been doing in the ministry.  I am especially looking for opportunities to share with Bible Studies, Sunday School classes, Youth Groups, etc.  If you would like to host a time where I can come share with a group you are a part of, I'd really appreciate it. 
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