Responding to COVID-19

ReachGlobal Responding to COVID-19
In our ministry, we define crisis as the disruption of the normalcy of life that deeply impacts people. It seems safe to say that everyone is affected by the present circumstances.

As the virus was first infecting China, our Crisis Response team was able to ship some needed medical supplies to a partner there. Domestically, our team has been focused on serving our local church partners, helping them adjust to virtual church and developing new outreach approaches, while also extending care to the many families we’ve touched over the last several years through our Hurricane Harvey and Florence responses.

Last week the ministry was able to share some additional medical supplies with local churches who in turn shared them with hospitals.  The ReachGlobal Trauma Care team has been working hard on developing our new COVID-19 specific trauma care training.  Our team in Friendswood is praying and coming up with ways that we can help our homeowners, the church, and the community while still practicing the social distancing guidelines.  
How can you be a part of responding to the COVID-19 pandemic?
In these times of varied rules and regulations for social distancing, here are some ideas that we have heard of or come up with ourselves to encourage and help others.

-PRAY!  Keep praying for the world, our country, those that are sick, and the essential workers on the front lines every day.
-Reach out to others and see if they need anything, especially the elderly and those that are immunocomprimised.  If you're running to the grocery store, see if you can get anything for them.
-Continue to be a part of online meetings and ministry.  There are more church services, Bible studies, and prayer groups being streamed online than ever before.  Get involved and share with your friends!
-If you sew, find out from your local hospital how you can help make some fabric masks to help with the shortage.
-Continue to tithe to your local church.  They still have expenses while being "a church without walls".  Pastors still need to be paid and building expenses are still there.
-Write some cards to your church family, loved ones, those in nursing homes, and your neighbors.
-Consider sending a volunteer team to serve for the week once we are all clear from the virus to do so.  It would be such an encouragement to our homeowners and staff!
 I would love to hear some ideas you might have and how your church is reaching your community!

For more COVID-19 resources, click here.
Financial Update
I already have a couple monthly supporters that support me financially every month and I thank those of you so very much.  Now that I've made the decision to apply to stay longer in the ministry, I've had to evaluate my budget as I continue to raise support.  Looking towards the next few months, my budget already is about 5% covered in monthly commitments in addition to some generous one time gifts as well.  I know in these uncertain times, finances may understandably be a struggle, but if you could prayerfully consider supporting me on a monthly basis or with a one time gift, I would be so grateful.  In the middle of a crisis such as this, it is so important that ministry continue on to serve the communities and point them to Jesus.  No amount is too small to make a difference!  It is thanks to supporters like you, all taking part in the ministry, that I'm capable of being here.  Please pray that as I pursue this application process that God would provide the funds that I need in order to continue serving in the ministry.

To support me financially please follow the link below and designate "Account 2840- Wierzbicki".
If it is a monthly gift, please note that in the comments so I can budget accordingly.

Give Here

Checks can be made payable to "EFCA" and mailed to:
Evangelical Free Church of America
901 E 78th St
Minneapolis, MN 55420-1300
Memo Line: Account #2840- Wierzbicki


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