Serving with ReachGlobal

As many of you know, I’ve been blessed to have served alongside my friends and family with ReachGlobal Crisis Response on four different trips over the years. After our trip to Morehead City, NC this summer and after much prayer and consideration, I decided to pursue serving with ReachGlobal Crisis Response for a longer period of time. I’m so blessed and excited to be a part of this ministry and I’m looking forward to seeing what God has in store. I’m still completing some... of the paperwork and budget aspects of things and it currently looks like I will be leaving in January and am committed to around a four month time of serving. With Hurricane Dorian currently threatening the East Coast, my location may change based on where I’m needed. I’m still working with leadership in the ministry as we figure out what site I should be placed at and what location God has in store for me. After each one of my week long trips to serve with ReachGlobal, I always came home feeling like I needed to do more and serve more. This year I felt like I had a renewed perspective. A healthier perspective. I was confident in how was serving the Lord in different areas of my life and was reminded that every ministry, here, near, and far, has an equal and important role to play in the body of Christ. Feeding toddlers goldfish in the nursery, cooking a meal for someone, worship ministry, youth ministry, working the food pantry, building a roof, painting some cabinets- it’s all equally important and all a huge part of what makes the church a blessing to our communities and shows the love of Christ. I will continue to keep everyone updated on this journey and look forward to sharing how you all can partner in this ministry with me. 

“And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.”-Isaiah 6:8


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